About SaintlyMic



About SaintlyMic

I was born in 1967.

Jesus made me Born Again in 1973.

I started serving Jesus in 1987.

I started several of my websites in 1998.

2023 marks a few of my websites’ anniversaries of 25 years!


My works are:

1. Writing
2. Building Websites
3. 3D world in Active Worlds – AciveWorlds.com
Look for the JESUSisGODtv World!

4. Prayer Advocate
5. Encourager


The things I love:

I love Jesus!
I love my life in Jesus!

I love many things!
I love everyone!
I love animals.
I love nature.

I love writing.
I love studying.
I love theology.
I love eschatology.
I love being in the End Times.
I love building websites.
I love inventing things.

I love ActiveWorlds.com.
I love technology.
I love new things.


The things I hate:

I hate satan!
I hate demons.
I hate evil things.
I hate evil ways.
I hate evil devices.
I hate sin and iniquity.
I hate wickedness.
I hate abortion.
I hate murder.
I hate violence.
I hate bullying.

I hate lies.


Please contact SaintlyMic for just about ANYTHING!



Please go see SaintlyMic’s webpage for His JESUSisGODtv World in ActiveWorlds.com!



Please go see SaintlyMic’s ActiveWorlds BUILDS webpage too!


SaintlyMic’s Active Worlds !



Author: SaintlyMic

I am a Born Again Christian Saint !
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